Call of Duty Mobile has come into the Indian market during 2019. The multi giant Activision released CODM in order to gain control over the gaming industry. They already controlled the PC sector and the PS and Xbox. In order to stay as the leader, they had to compete with PUBG which was at the top during that time.

Call of Duty Mobile (CODM) release was very nostalgic for a lot of gamers as there were a lot of 90’s kids and others who were diehard fans of the PC version of the game.

Gaming in India might have officially begun around 2004 and COD might have been the first shooter game everyone had dreamed to play. To us, who had just shifted from our hometown due to work. Or others who were in hostels, where they did not have a proper gaming equipment (such as PC or a laptop with a good specs) it was a much-awaited moment.

The mobile version released created a nostalgic feeling as the maps and characters in the game were similar to the ones in the PC version, which took us back to the time of good memories where we only used to think of gaming.

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Great insights, Harita. It is important to create seamless user experience especially for immersive products like games.

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