Let me work towards recommendation 2 to Jio.😎😎

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I would be glad to write a recommendation letter whenever you are ready ! More Power to You.

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Hi Sir, thanks for the lovely read, as always.

In Recommendation 4 you mentioned about Jio building a logistics supply solution (for brands) and we've discussed in MaP's class on AAFG(M) how Amazon, a tech company, has moved up the ladder from being just an e-commerce platform and so did RIL.

So what I believe is when Amazon, who we spoke about so briefly (and profoundly) being the "Last Man Standing" in this race of who'd fall first, what I believe is if Jio's doing the same thing of building logistical supply chain, it is almost impossible to beat a company building something like this. But having said that, it is also creating a monopolistic market for Indians and we're not really fond of that. In United States people are fine with Amazon just being Amazon and not having a competitor yet crying about the company not treating their employees well but at the same time not having an option but to be on the platform.

What do you make of this? I mean Jio could very much last as long as Amazon and this would actually create possibilities that are absolutely unknown to us as of now. e.g A one sub digital model for Indians by Jio.

Definitely India's first trillion dollar company though.

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Big players having cheap access to capital and using the principle of commodification they can rule and sellers do not have a choice and they decide to go with the flow. Now jio expands its business in every section and it may happen that in upcoming years whatever be the problem the solution is jio.

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One more informative piece sir, according to me recommendation 2 and 4 appears to be very important among all four because charisma of a leader plays a great role in the long run like Narayan Murthy and Ratan Tata are some examples in Indian context who gain the trust and likeability of stakeholders. Now Jio having more strength because of players like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. It may be very much helpful RIL to reach a trillion-dollar valuation.

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