Jan 10, 2021Liked by Shailendra Singh Bisht

mid blowing decision from both the giants Facebook and Twitter. In a era where countries like china bans the media and India where they control media according to their needs, there are still media giants who possesses the power to remove any one in nation`s benefit. This shows the power of social media over any power who he trying to use platform for negative spread of news.

sir I opened you newsletter right after I read that Zuck banned trump and went on the newsletter "platform and nations".

thanks a lot.

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It is a tricky question! How much power would we like to give to private entities whose only objective may be profit maximisation and not public good? We have to revive the public institutions to encourage debate and discussion.

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Jan 11, 2021Liked by Shailendra Singh Bisht

that totally depends the intentions of private entity. in this case Facebook is not looking for profit but being good for people and country. even in India org like Tata and Infosys focus more on public`s wellness rather than profits. so I guess with such intentions power can be given to few(only if they be ethical in serving the nation).

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Yeah, even I was also monitoring the war between these platforms and Ex-President Mr. Trump. And, what I found out is that, these platforms like Twitter and Facebook, they are not doing it for anybody or for any public or noble cause, rather than doing for themselves, to be in the good books of the newly elected government. And, if they really wanted to take such a step which I called a Bold Stroke, they should have done in the past couple of years where they have encountered many occasions & opportunity to do so. However, they didn’t! But why now, reason is obvious.

It’s not only is US, where the supporters of a particular political party have been transformed into the supporters of an individual, we have seen quit of them, and wait for this kind of situation to witnesses by yourself, in certain democracy again.

Well, Sir. Won’t you think “My Way or the Highway”- would be better w.r.t. that of WhatsApp’s New Privacy Policy, especially, when they are forcefully making people to accept the policy on or before, 8th Feb. 2021, or else you can kiss your app bye.

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